《跨文化溝通與管理》(第9版,雙語(yǔ)教學(xué)版)選自弗雷德·盧森斯的International Management: Culture,Strategy, and Behavior 2015年的第9版。在全球化背景下,跨文化管理是所有跨國(guó)組織以及跨國(guó)管理者的重要議題。
1The Meanings and Dimensions ofCulture 2
The World of International Management: The Cultural
Roots of Toyota’s Quality Crisis 2
The Nature of Culture 4
Cultural Diversity 5
Values in Culture 9
Value Differences and Similarities across Cultures 9
Values in Transition 10
Cultural Dimensions 12
Hofstede 12
Trompenaars 19
Integrating Culture and Management: The GLOBE Project 28
Culture and Management 29
GLOBE's Cultural Dimensions 30
GLOBE Country Analysis 30
The World of InternationalManagement—Revisited 33
Summary of Key Points 33
Key Terms 34
Review and DiscussionQuestions 34
Internet Exercise:Renault-Nissan in South Africa 35
In the InternationalSpotlight: South Africa 36
2 Managing Across Cultures 38
The World of International Management: Apple v. Samsung:
Comparing Corporate Culture 38
The Strategy for Managing across Cultures 40
Strategic Predispositions 41
Meeting the Challenge 42
Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities 45
Parochialism and Simplification 45
Similarities across Cultures 48
Many Differences acrossCultures 48
CulturalDifferences in Selected Countries and Regions 52
Doing Business inChina 53
Doing Business inRussia 55
Doing Business inIndia 57
Doing Business inFrance 58
Doing Business inBrazil 59
Doing Business inArab Countries 60
The World of International Management—Revisited 62
Summary of Key Points 63
Key Terms 63
Review and Discussion Questions 63
Internet Exercise: Haier’s Approach 63
In the International Spotlight: Mexico 64
3 Organizational Cultures and Diversity 66
The Worldof International Management: Managing
Culture andDiversity in Global Teams 66
The Natureof Organizational Culture 68
Definition andCharacteristics 69
Interactionbetween National and Organizational Cultures 70
OrganizationalCultures in MNCs 74
The People’s Republic of China (PRC orChina, for short) has had a long tradition of isolation. In 1979, Deng Xiaopingopened this country to the world.
China is rapidly trying to close thegap between itself and economically advanced nations and to establish itself asa power in the world economy. China is actively trading in world markets, is amember of the WTO, and is a major trading partner of the United States. Despitethis global presence, many U.S. and European multinationals still find thatdoing business in the PRC can be a long, grueling process. Very few outsidefirms have yet to make a profit in China. One primary reason is that Western-basedMNCs do not appreciate the important role and impact of Chinese culture.