Micheal Lanham is a solutions architect with petro WEB and currently resides in Calgary, Alberta in Canada. In his current role he develops integrated GIS applications with advanced spatial search capabilities. He has worked as a professional and amateur game developer building deskt0p and mobile games for over 15 years. In 2007, Micheal was introduced to Unity 3D and has been an avid fan and developer ever since.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Real-world adventure games
Augmented Reality
Adventure games
Introducing Foody GO
Source code
Getting into mobile development with Unity
Downloading and installing Unity
Setting up for Android development
Installing the Android SDK
Connecting to your Android device
Setting up for lOS development
Getting started with Unity
Creating the game project
Building and deploying the game
Building and deploying to Android
Building and deploying to iOS
Chapter 2: Mapping the Player's Location
GIS fundamentals
GPS fundamentals
Google Maps
Adding a map
Creating the map tile
Laying the tiles
Understanding the code
Setting up services
Setting up CUDLR
Debugging with CUDLR
Setting up the GPS service
Chapter 3: Making the Avatar
Importing standard Unity assets
Adding a character
Switching the camera
Cross-platform input
Fixing the input
GPS location service
Map tile parameters
GPS simulation settings
Character GPS compass controller
Swapping out the character
Chapter 4: Spawning the Catch
Creating a new monster service
Understanding distance in mapping
GPS accuracy
Checking for monsters
Projecting coordinates to 3D world space
Adding monsters to the map
Tracking the monsters in the UI
Chapter 5: Catching the Prey in AR
Scene management
Introducing the Game Manager
Loading a scene
Updating touch input
Colliders and rigidbody physics
Building the AR Catch scene
Using the camera as our scene backdrop
Adding the catching ball
Throwing the ball
Checking for collisions
Particle effects for feedback
Catching the monster
Chapter 6: Storing the Catch
Inventory system
Saving the game state
Setting up services
Reviewing code
Monster CRUD operations
Updating the Catch scene
Creating the Inventory scene
Adding the menu buttons
Bringing the game together
Mobile development woes
Chapter 7: Creating the AR World
Getting back to the map
The Singleton
Introducing the Google Places API
Using JSON
Setting up the Google Places API service
Creating the markers
Optimizing the search
Chapter 8: Interacting with an AR World
The Places scene
Google Street View as a backdrop
Slideshow with the Google Places API photos
Adding UI interaction for selling
The game mechanics of selling
Updating the database
Connecting the pieces
Chapter 9: Finishing the Game
Outstanding development tasks
Missing development skills
Cleaning up assets
Releasing the game
Problems with location-based games
Location-based multiplayer game
Firebase as a multiplayer platform
Other location-based game ideas
The future of the genre
Chapter 10: Troubleshooting
Console window
Compiler errors and warnings
Remote debugging
Advanced debugging
Unity Analytics
Issues and solutions by Chapter