鐵證如山5 吉林省檔案館館藏日本侵華郵政檢閱月報專輯4(英文版)
定 價:175 元
- 作者:楊川,王勝今 編
- 出版時間:2017/4/1
- ISBN:9787558143267
- 出 版 社:吉林出版集團(tuán)
- 中圖法分類:K265.606
- 頁碼:665
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
《鐵證如山5 吉林省檔案館館藏日本侵華郵政檢閱月報專輯4(英文版)》輯錄的是哈爾濱、佳木斯地區(qū)1939年-1941年的郵政檢閱檔案。這些檔案是被憲兵隊(duì)檢查后認(rèn)定為不可擴(kuò)散的有損日本政府或軍隊(duì)形象的史實(shí),完全出自日本侵華史的親歷者、見證者之手,是日本軍國主義及其殖民統(tǒng)治罪行的鐵證。這批檔案資料填補(bǔ)了日本侵華研究的空白,進(jìn)一步還原了日本侵華的歷史真相,是日軍侵華暴行的鐵證,也為早已被國內(nèi)外公認(rèn)的日軍侵華罪行提供了新的佐證,是近年來對日本侵華檔案發(fā)掘研究的新成果。
1. No. 316 of the Department of Inspection in Harbin, Monthly Report on the Communication
Inspection (1939)
2. No. 91 of the Department of Inspection in Harbin, Monthly Report on the Communication
Inspection (1941)
3. No. 442 of the Japanese Kempeitai Special Higher Police (SHP) in Harbin, Report on
the Use of Non-Military Postal Service by Soldiers and Service Staff (1941)
4. No. 136 of the Department of Inspection in Harbin, Monthly Report on the Communication
Inspection (1941)
5. No. 152 of the Department of Inspection in Harbin, Monthly Report on the Communication
Inspection (Diplomatic Notes) (1941)
6. No. 154 of the Department of Inspection in Harbin, Monthly Report on the Communication
Inspection (Diplomatic Notes) (1942)
7. No. 36 of the Department of Inspection in Harbin, Monthly Report on the Communication
Inspection (Diplomatic Notes) (1943)
8. No. □□ of the Jiamusi Inspection, Monthly Report on the Communication Inspection
9. No. 11 of the Jiamusi Inspection, Monthly Report on the Communication Inspection
10. No. 12 of the Jiamusi Inspection, Monthly Report on the Communication Inspection
11. No. 12 of the Jiamusi Inspection, Monthly Report on the Communication Inspection
12. No. 7 of the Department of Inspection in Jiamusi, Monthly Report on the Communication
Inspection (1942)
13. No. 8 of the Department of Inspection in Jiamusi, Monthly Report on the Communication
Inspection (1942)
14. Sanjiang Special Chamber, No. 4 Monthly Report (1942)
15. No. 3 of the Department of Inspection in Jiamusi, Monthly Report on the Communication
Inspection (1943)