定 價(jià):79 元
- 作者:寧貝佳編著
- 出版時(shí)間:2019/3/1
- ISBN:9787030586056
- 出 版 社:科學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:TN710
- 頁碼:284
- 紙張:
- 版次:31
- 開本:B5
1 The analog world and semiconductors 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.1.1 Definition of analog signals 1
1.1.2 Theexistence of analog signals 2
1.1.3 Analog vs.digital 3
1.1.4 A brief history of analogdevices 4
1.2 Semiconductor materials 6
1.2.1 Intrinsic semiconductors 7
1.2.2 Extrinsic semiconductors 8
1.3 Chapter summary 10
1.4 Questions 11
2 Semiconductor diodes and the irapplications 13
2.1 p-njunction 13
2.2 Semiconductordiodes 14
2.3 Schottkydiodes 17
2.4 Light-emittingdiodes 18
2.5 Zenerdiodes 21
2.6 Diodeapplications 22
2.7 Chaptersummary 38
2.8 Questions 38
3 Bipolar junction transistors 41
3.1 Fundamentals of transistors 42
3.1.1 Structure of transistors 42
3.1.2 Transistor operation 43
3.2 Transistorcon.gurations 44
3.2.1 Common-basecon.guration 45
3.2.2 Common-emittercon.guration 48
3.2.3 Common-collectorcon.guration 51
3.3 BJTDCbiasingcircuits 52
3.3.1 Operating point 52
3.3.2 Biasing voltages 54
3.3.3 Fixed-bias circuit 55
3.3.4 Emitterbias circuit 62
3.3.5 Voltage-divider bias circuit 66
3.3.6 Common-basecon.guration 71
3.3.7 Common-collectorcon.guration 73
3.4 BJTACanalysis 74
3.4.1 IntroductiontoACanalysis 74
3.4.2 ACequivalentcircuits 76
3.4.3 Transistor re model 79
3.4.4 CECon-gurationwith.xedbias 84
3.4.5 CEcon-gurationwithvoltage-dividerbias 88
3.4.6 CEcon-gurationwithemitterbias 91
3.4.7 Emitter-followercon.guration 94
3.4.8 Common-basecon.guration 97
3.5 Chaptersummary 100
3.5.1 BJTsummary 100
3.5.2 DCBiasingsummary 101
3.5.3 ACAnalysissummary 102
3.6 Questions 104
4 Field-effect transistors 107
4.1 Fundamentals of thejunction-eld-effecttransistor 109
4.1.1 Constructions of JFETs 109
4.1.2 Biasingconditions of JFETs 111
4.1.3 JFETtransfercharacteristics 115
4.2 Fundamentals of depletion-typeMOSFETs 118
4.2.1 Construction 119
4.2.2 Operationandcharacteristics 120
4.2.3 Symbols 122
4.3 Fundamentals of enhancement-typeMOSFETs 123
4.3.1 Construction 123
4.3.2 Operationandcharacteristics 124
4.3.3 Symbols 128
4.4 JFETDCbiasingcon.gurations 129
4.4.1 Fixed-biascon.guration 129
4.4.2 Self-biascon.guration 134
4.4.3 Common-gatecon.guration 138
4.4.4 Voltage-dividercon.guration 141
4.5 MOSFETDCbiasingcon.gurations 147
4.5.1 Depletion-typeMOSFETs 147
4.5.2 Enhancement-typeMOSFETs 157
4.6 FETACanalysis 164
4.6.1 Transconductance 165
4.6.2 Inputimpedance 166
4.6.3 Outputimpedance 167
4.6.4 FETACequivalentcircuit 167
4.7 JFETACanalysis 168
4.7.1 Fixed-biascon.guration 168
4.7.2 Self-biascon.guration 172
4.7.3 Voltage-dividercon.guration 176
4.7.4 Source-followercon.guration 178
4.7.5 Common-gatecon.guration 182
4.8 MOSFETACanalysis 186
4.8.1 Depletion-typeMOSFETs 186
4.8.2Enhancement-typeMOSFET 188
4.9 Chaptersummary 195
4.9.1 JFETandMOSFETSummary 195
4.9.2 DCbiasingsummary 198
4.9.3 ACanalysissummary 200
4.10 Questions 202
5 Operational amplifiers and their applications 205
5.1 Overview 205
5.2 Fundamentals of op-amp 206
5.3 Common-moderejectionratio 211
5.4 Op-ampbasicoperations 216
5.4.1 Transfercharacteristic 216
5.4.2 Basicoperations 218
5.4.3 Goldenrules of op-amps 220
5.4.4 Basicop-ampcircuits 221
5.5 Linearapplications of op-amps 225
5.5.1 Voltagesumming 226
5.5.2 Voltagesubtraction 227
5.5.3 Integrator 229
5.5.4 Differentiator 232
5.5.5 Instrumentationampli.er 233
5.5.6 Active.lterswithop-amps 235
5.6 Nonlinear applications of op-amps 244
5.6.1 Comparators 244
5.6.2 Schmitttrigger 247
5.6.3 Noninverting Schmitttrigger 248
5.6.4 Inverting Schmitttrigger 251
5.6.5 Precision rectifier 253
5.6.6 Logarithmic amplifier 258
5.6.7 Exponential amplifiers 260
5.6.8 Oscillators 261
5.7 Chapter summary 263
5.8 Questions 265
Bibliography 269
Index 271