熱處理鋼軌技術(shù)條件(TB/T2635-2004 英文版)
定 價(jià):200 元
- 作者:中華人民共和國國家鐵路局 編
- 出版時(shí)間:2015/2/1
- ISBN:9787113200275
- 出 版 社:中國鐵道出版社
- 中圖法分類:TG162.82
- 頁碼:8
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
This standard stipulates the technical specifications, test method, inspection rules, etc. for heat treated rails (including off-line heat treatment and on-line heat treatment).
This standard is applicable to full length heat treatment of 50kg/m-75kg/m rails of U71Mn. U75V, U76NbRE. Rails of other types can take it for reference.
This standard is the amended edition of TB/T2635-1995 Technical Specification for Heat Treated Rails by referring to foreign technical standards for heat-treated rails.
The main changes with respect to TB/T2635-1995 Technical Specification for Heat Treated Rails are listed below:
-Terms and definitions are added;
-Code No. for heat treated rails are added;
-New heat treated rail types U75V and U76NbRE are added;
-Chemical composition for rail steel U71Mn is adjusted;
-Hardness scope for rail head section is added and sampling locations for rail head chin are increased;
-Indicators for yield strength and section shrinkage ratio in tensile test are canceled;
-Drop weight test is canceled;
-Twist tolerance for heat treated rail end before straightening is added.
This standard is proposed and managed by Standards and Metrology Research Institute of the Ministry of Railways.
This standard is jointly drafted by Wang Shuqing, Zhou Qingyue, Zhu Mei, Zhan Xinwe19 Xu Quan and Hong Haifeng.
Drafting organizations: Metal and Chemical Research Institute, Standard & Metrology Research Institute, Research and Development Center of China Academy of Railway Sciences, Pangang Group Company Ltd. and the rail welding section of Hohhot Railway Administration.
This standard is first issued in March 1995 and this is the first amended edition.
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Technical Specifications
4.1 Rails
4.2 Chemical Composition
4.3 Profile of Hardened Layer
4.4 Depth of the Hardened Layer
4.5 Hardness
4.6 Microstructure
4.7 Tensile Performance
4.8 External Shape and Allowable Tolerances
4.9 Surface Quality
5 Test Method
5.1 Sampling
5.2 Testing Content, Sampling Locations and Quantity of Heat Treated Rail Samples
5.3 Test for Chemical Composition Analysis
5.4 Test for Profile and Depth of the Hardened Layer
5.5 Hardness Test
5.6 Tensile Test
5.7 Microstructure Test
5.8 Inspection for External Shape and Surface Quality
6 Inspection Rules
6.1 Inspection and Acceptance
6.2 Retest and Judgment
7 Identification, Transportation and Warranty
7.1 Identification
7.2 Transportation
7.3 Warranty