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當(dāng)前圖書已被 1 所學(xué)校薦購過!
- 作者:李雙玲著
- 出版時間:2018/11/1
- ISBN:9787550437098
- 出 版 社:西南財經(jīng)大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:H314.3
- 頁碼:240頁
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16K
PART ONE Phraseology and corpus linguistics
Chapter 1 What is phraseology?
1.1 Significance of phraseology
1.2 Scope of phraseology
1.2.1 Phraseology and a phraseological item
1.2.2 Criteria for identifying a phraseological item
1.3 Relevant terminology
1.3.1 Collocation and colligation
1.3.2 Pattern
1.3.3 Frame
Chapter 2 Corpus-based approach to phraseology
2.1 The corpus approach in the investigations of phraseology
2.2 Research questions
2.3 Corpora
2.3.1 Bank of English (BoE) as the main reference corpus
2.3.2 British National Corpus(BNC)
2.3.3 Corpus of English Course-books(CEC)
2.3.4 Chinese Learner English Corpus(CLEC)
2.4 Research techniques
2.4.1 Sample analysis
2.4.2 Collocational analysis
2.4.3 Corpus techniques using LookUp
PART TWO Phraseology and the construction of meaning in discourse
Chapter 3 Phenomena important to the construction of meaning
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Polysemy
3.2.1 Polysemy and monosemy
3.2.2 Considerations for the analysis of polysemy:meaning and subjectivity
3.2.3 Polysemy and phraseology
3.3 Metaphor
3.3.1 Conceptual Metaphor Theory(CMT)
3.3.2 Conceptual Blending Theory(CBT)
3.3.3 Context-induced metaphors
3.3.4 Metonymy
3.3.5 The approach to metaphor in this study:CMT and corpus linguistics
3.4 Evaluation
3.4.1 Evaluation as an umbrella term for speakers stance and attitude
3.4.2 Evaluative iterns in text
3.4.3 Different types of evaluative uses
3.4.4 Corpus-based approach to evaluation
3.5 Vagueness
3.5.1 Significance of studying vague language
3.5.2 Definition of vague language used in this book
3.5.3 Categorisations of vague language
3.5.4 Genre and vague use
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 Polysemy and phraseology
4.1 Polysemy:time
4.1.1 Major senses e*h***ted by time in the BoE sample
4.1.2 Fuzzy boundaries between senses
4.2 Polysemy and phraseology:time
4.2.1 Senses of time and its phraseological behaviour
4.2.2 Timel: actual time on a clock and phraseological features of time
4.2.3 Time2: a particular time point and phraseological features of time
4.2.4 Time3: a period of time and phraseological features of time
4.2.5 Timed: occasion and phraseological features of time
4.3 Polysemy and phraseology:phrases
4.3.1 at the same time
4.3.2 big time
4.4 C:onclusion
Chapter 5 Metaphor and phraseology
5.1 Conceptual metaphors associated with TIME
5.2 TIME IS MONEY and the phraseological behaviour of time
5.2.1 Phraseological features associated with TIME IS MONEY
5.2.2 Phraseological features associated with TIME IS A RESOURCE
5.2.3 Phraseological features associated with TIME IS A COMMODITY
5.2.4 More complex phraseological features related to metaphor
5.3 TIME IS MOTION and the phraseological behaviour of time
5.4 Other metaphors associated with TIME
5.5 Metonymic use of the word thing
5.6 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Evaluation and phraseology
6.1 the ADJ thing(about n.that―cl,)iswas
6.1.1 Sequences associated with the ADJl group
6.1.2 Sequences associated with the ADJ2 group
6.1.3 Sequences associated with the ADJ3 group
6.2 V―link ADJ thing
6.3 do the ADJ thing and (the)ADJ thing to do
6.4 Phraseological items associated with time
6.5 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Vague use and phraseology
7.1 Frequent vague expressions associated with thing
7.2 that sort of thing
7.2.1 Positioning
7.2.2 and that sort of thing
7.2.3 Negative reference
7.2.4 Co-occurrence with discourse markers
7.3 the vision thing
7.4 Vague use and phraseology associated with time
7.4.1 from time to time
7.4.2 Phrases with a vague reference
7.5 Conclusion
PART THREE Phraseology and English language teaching
Chapter 8 Phraseology represented in teaching and learning
8.1 Introduction:phraseology and pedagogy
8.1.1 Significance of teaching phraseology
8.1.2 Challenges of teaching phraseology
8.1.3 The aim of this chapter
8.2 Phraseological items selected in the CEC
8.2.1 Phraseological items associated with time
8.2.2 Phraseological items associated with thing
8.3 Presentation of phraseological items in the CEC
8.3.1 at the same time
8.3.2 big time
8.4 RepreSentatiOn of phraseology in the CLEC
8.4.1 Phraseological items used in the CLEC
8.4.2 The use of phraseological items in the CLEC
8.5 Suggestions for designing learning activities
8.6 Conclusions
Appendix 1:English course-books selected for the CEC
Appendix 2:Evans s conceptual semantic network for time(Evans 2005:52)