定 價(jià):27 元
- 作者:馬海英 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2010/3/1
- ISBN:9787118067378
- 出 版 社:國防工業(yè)出版社
- 中圖法分類:H319.4:K956.1
- 頁碼:234
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
Part1 The United Kingdomof Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Chapter 1 Physiographical Features
1.1 Name.Size and Location
1.2 Physiographical Features
1.3 Climate and Weather
Chapter 2 The History of the UK
Chapter 3 People and Major Cities
3.1 People of the UK
3.2 Major Cities
Chapter 4 Political System
4.1 The Constitutional Monarchy
4.2 The Legislative Body
4.3 The Executive Body
4.4 The Judicial Body
4.5 ThePolitical Parties
4.6 Elections
Chapter 5 Economy.
5.1 Features of the UKE conomy
5.2 British Industry
5.3 British Agriculture
5.4 British Trade and Finance
Chapter6 Science and Education
6.1 Science
6.2 Education
Chapter 7 Traditions,Customs andRelions
7.1 Three Royal Traditions
7.2 Customs
7.3 Religions
7.4 Features of the British Worship
Chapter 8 Media
8.1 Functions of Media in the UK
8.2 The British Broadcasting
8.3 Current Trends in Public and Private Domains
Chapter 9 Holidays and Sightseeing
9.1 Holidays
9.2 Ways of Spending Holidays
9.3 British Sightseeing
Chapter 10 Sports
Chapter11 National Flag and Anthem
11.1 Flag
11.2 Anthem
Chapter 12 Foreign Relations
12.1 Changing Policies
12.2 The Changing UK and Its Security
12.3 The Relation with International Organizations
12.4 The Relation with the USA
12.5 The R-elation with China
Chapter 13 Social Life
13.1 Various Ways of Life in the UK
13.2 Class Structure
13.3 Wlelfare State
13.4 Family Life
Chapter 14 Literature of the UK
14.1 The Beginning Period of English Literature
14.2 The Golden Age of English Drama
14.3 Female Novelists in Nineteenth-century England
14.4 The Stream of Consciousness Novels
Part 2 The United States of America
Chapter 15 PhysiOgraphicaI Features
15.1 Location and Area of the USA
15.2 The Physiographical Features
15.3 American Rivers and Lakes
15.4 Mountains
15.5 Climate and Weather
Chapter 16 The History of the USA
16.1 The Beginning of the USA
16.2 Indians(C.25,000 years ago)
16.3 The Discovery of America
16.4 Colonization of North America
16.5 Result of the Early Explorations
16.6 The Founding of the Thirteen Colonies
16.7 The Birth of the USA
16.8 The Territory of USA
16.9 The lst Three US Presidents and the War with England
16.10 The USA in the First World War
16.11 The Great Depression and Roosevelt’S“New Deal”
16.12 The USA in the Second Wbrld War
16.13 The Postwar USA
Chapter 17 Population and Major Cities
17.1 Population in the USA
17.2 Major Cities
Chapter 18 American Political System
18.1 The Federal System
18.2 The American Congress
18.3 The Federal Administration
18.4 The Judicial Body
Chapter 19 Political Parties and the Elections
19.1 American Political Parties
19.2 American Elections
Chapter 20 American Economy
20.1 Features of the American Economy
20.2 American Industry
20.3 American Agriculture
20.4 American Trade and Finance
Chapter 21 American Science and Education
21.1 American Science
21.2 AmeriCan Education
Chapter 22 American Religions
22.1 The American Religions
22.2 CharacteristiCS of Religion
22.3 The Influence of Religion
22.4 Problems with Religion
Chapter 23 American Media
23.1 The American Press and the News Agencies
23.2 The American Broadcasting
Chapter 24 Ttaditions and Customs
24.1 The American Spirit of Do-it-yourself
24.2 The Self-made Man
24.3 Love of Privacy
24.4 Uncle Sam
Chapter 25 Holidays and Sightseeing
25.1 TheAmerican Holidays
25.2 American Sightseeing
Chapter 26 Anthem and National Flag
26.1 American Anthem
26.2 The AmeriCan Flag
Chapter 27 American Social Life
27.1 The Diversity ofPeople
Chapter 28 American Foreign Relations
Chapter 29 Literature of the USA
1.2.2 Scotland
Scotland is chiefly mountainous.With a general trend from southeast tonorthwest,the Southern Uplands,the Grampians and the North West Highlandsdominate Scotland.The first two are separated by a region of lower hills and rollingcountry drained by the lower parts of the Clyde RiveL the Tay River,and the Forthriver.The Grampians and the North West Highlands are divided by Loch Ness.Inthe northwestern part of the Grampians stands Ben Nevis(1,343 meters high),thehighest mountain in the UK.
The Southern Uplands contain broad,rounded hills,many of which ale highenough to be heather-covered.These hills are drained by pleasant rivers,some of whichrun in valleys that cut across the prevailing east-northeast grain of the country.North ofthe Southem Uplands is the Midland Valley of Scotland,which is an area of hilly androlling country in which there are two principal cities:Edinburgh and Glasgow.Thevalley trends east-northeast, The Grampians lie peacefully in the highlands of Scotland.It is the largestmountain range in the UK in which there are four high mountains,all of which aremore than 1,000 meters high and two ofwhich are the highest in the UK.The Tay,theDee and the Spey rivers find their sources in the range.On the other side ofLoch Nesslie North West Highlands which are scarcely populated.
1-2.3 Wales
Wales is,like Scotland,mostly mountainous.The northem part of Wales is largelyhilly and moorland.The conspicuous Mt.Snowdon(1,085 meters high)rises in thenortheast.The Cambrian Range dominates the region.South and east of Aberystwyth isthe plateau region of central Wales,lying at an average elevation of about 2,000 feet.The limestone country in the northeast,the great coalfield area with its characteristicdeep valleys in the south and the peninsula of Pembroke in the southwest can berecognized.The fine,cliffy coast of Wales shows little evidence of the developmentthat took place in western Scotland.The island of Anglesey,off the northwest coast,isalmost totally fiat.