思想、語言與實在:Volume 2:Philosophical papers
定 價:63 元
- 作者:Hilary Putnam著
- 出版時間:2012/10/1
- ISBN:9787544628464
- 出 版 社:上海外語教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:H0
- 頁碼:457
- 紙張:
- 版次:
- 開本:23cm
Volume 2IntroductionLanguage and philosophyThe analytic and the syntheticDo true assertio correspond to reality?Some issues in the theory of grammarThe 'innateness hypothesis' and explanatory models in linguisticsHow not to talk about meaningReview of The concept of a peonIs semantics possible ?The refutation of conventionalismReply to Gerald MasseyExplanation and referenceThe meaning of 'meaning'Language and realityPhilosophy and our mental lifeDreaming and 'depth grammar'Brai and behaviorOther mindsMinds and machinesRobots: machines or artificially created life?The mental life of some machinesThe nature of mental statesLogical positivism and the philosophy of mindBibliographyIndex