定 價:52 元
- 作者:傳感器應(yīng)用中的有機半導(dǎo)體
- 出版時間:2012/12/1
- ISBN:9787301216613
- 出 版 社:北京大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:TP212
- 頁碼:287
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
1 Water Soluble Poly(fluorene) Homopolymers and Copolymers for Chemical and Biological Sensors
1.1 Introduction
1.2 General Structures and Properties
1.2.1 Design, Synthesis, and Structural Properties
1.2.2 Optical Properties
1.3 Signal IYansduction Mechanisms in Sensors
1.4 Chemo- and Biosensor Applications
1.4.1 DNA Sensors
1.4.2 RNA Sensors
1.4.3 Protein Detection
1.4.4 Glucose Sensors
1.4.5 Detection of Other Small Molecules
1.5 Heterogeneous Platforms
1.6 Summary and Outlook
2 Polyelectrolyte-Based Fluorescent Sensors
2.1 Generallntroduction
2.1.1 Amplified Fluorescence Quenching
2.1.2 General Sensor Schemes: Bioassays Based on Quenchl Unquench
2.2 Enzyme Activity Assays
2.2.1 Assay Formats and Types
2.2.2 Proteolytic Enzyme Assays Using Conjugated Polyelectrolytes
2.2.3 Phospholipase Assays Using Conjugated Polyelectrolytes
2.2.4 Assays Based on "Frustrated Super-Quenching"
2.2.5Supramolecular Self-Assembly and Scaffold Disruption/Destruction Assays
2.2.6 Cyanines and Supra-Molecular Self-Assembly
2.2.7 Cyanine Chemistry
2.2.8 Glycosidases and Scaffold Disruption/Destruction Assay
2.3 Conjugated Polyelectrolyte Surface-Grafted Colloids
2.4 Summary and Conclusions.
3 Structurally Integrated Photolununescent Chemical and Biological Sensors: An Organic Light-Emitting Diode-Based Platform
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Photoluminescence-Based Sensors
3.1.2 Structurally Integrated OLED/Sensing Component Modules
3.1.3 Structural Integration of the OLED Array/Sensing Film
3.2 Single Analyte Monitoring
3.2.1 Gas-Phase and Dissolved Oxygen
3.2.2 Enhanced Photoluminescence of Oxygen-Sensing Films Through Doping with Titania Particles [70]
3.2.3 Glucose
3.2.4 Hydrazine (N2H4)
3.2.5 Anthrax Lethal Factor (LF) .
3.3 Advanced Sensor Arrays
3.3.1 OLED-Based Multiple Analyte Sensing Platform
3.3.2 Extended Structural Integration: OLED/Sensing ComponentlPhotodetector Integration
3.4 Future Directions.
3.4.llmproved OLEDs
3.4.2 Sensor Microarrays
3.4.3 Autonomous Field-Deployable Sensors for Biological Agents
3.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks
4 Lab-on-a-Chip Devices with Organic Semiconductor-Based Optical Detection
4.1.1 Microfluidics and Lab~on-a-Chip
4.1.2 Detection Problem at the Microscale
4.2 Fabrication
4.2.1 Microfiuidic Systems
5 Solid-State Chemosensitive Organic Devices for Vapor-Phase Detection
6 Detection of Chemical and Physical Parameters by Means of Organic Field-Effect lYansistors
7 Performance Requirements and Mechanistic Analysis of Organic Transistor_Based Phosphonate Gas Sensors
8 Electrochemical Transistors for Applications in Chemical and Biological Sensing
9 PEDOT:PSS-Based Electrochemical IYansistors for Ion-to-Electron rlyansduction and Sensor Signal Amplification