Chapter 1 Examples of Isolated Singular Points
1.A Hypersurface singularities
1.B Complete intersections
1.C Quotient singularities
1.D Quasi-conical singularities
1.E Cusp singularities
Chapter 2 The Milnor Fibration
2.A The link of an isolated singularity
2.B Good representatives
2.C Geometric monodromy
2.D* Excellent representatives
Chapter 3 Picard-Lefschetz Formulae
3.A Monodromy of a quadratic singularity (localcase)
3.B Monodromy of a quadratic singularity (globalcase)
Chapter 4 Critical Space and Discriminant Space
Chapter 1 Examples of Isolated Singular Points
1.A Hypersurface singularities
1.B Complete intersections
1.C Quotient singularities
1.D Quasi-conical singularities
1.E Cusp singularities
Chapter 2 The Milnor Fibration
2.A The link of an isolated singularity
2.B Good representatives
2.C Geometric monodromy
2.D* Excellent representatives
Chapter 3 Picard-Lefschetz Formulae
3.A Monodromy of a quadratic singularity (localcase)
3.B Monodromy of a quadratic singularity (globalcase)
Chapter 4 Critical Space and Discriminant Space
4.A The critical space
4.B The Thom singularity manifolds
4.C Development of the discriminant locus
4.D The discriminant space
4.E Appendix: Fitting ideals
Chapter 5 Relative Monodromy
5.A The basic construction
5.B The homotopy type of the Milnor fiber
5.C The monodromy theorem
Chapter 6 Deformations
6.A Relative differentials
6.B The Kodaira-Spencer map
6.C Versal deformations
6.D Some analytic properties of versaldeformations
Chapter 7 Vanishing Lattices, Monodromy Groups andAdjacency
7.A The fundamental group of a hypersurfacecomplement
7.B The monodromy group
7.C Adjacency
7.D A partial classification
Chapter 8 The Local Gauβ-Manin Connection
8.A De Rham cohomology of good representatives
8.B The Gauβ-Manin connection
8.C The complete intersection case
Chapter 9 Applications of the Local Gauβ-ManinConnection
9.A Milnor number and Tjurina number
9.B Singularities with good Cx-action
9.C A period mapping
Index of Notations
Subject Index