A European canon
Reading foreign literature in translation
The availability of translations
How this book is arranged
I Dante and Petrarch
Italy in the early fourteenth century
Dante (1265-1321)
The Divine Comedy, 1307-21
Petrarch (1304-74)
Love Lyrics, 1327-58
II Villon, Ronsard, and Montaigne
France from the late Middle Ages to the
Metre and sound in French verse
Villon (1431--63+)
Poems, 1456-61
Ronsard (1524-85)
Poems, 1550-85
Montaigne (1533-92)
Essays, 1572, 1588, 1595
III Cervantes and Moliiere
Spain and France in the seventeenth century
Cervantes (1547-1616)
Don Quixote, 1605-15
Moliere (1622-73)
Tartuffe, 1664, 1669
IV Voltaire and Rousseau
France before the Revolution
Voltaire (1694-1778),
Candide, 1759
Rousseau (1712-78),
Confessions, 1766--70
V Goethe and Schiller
German-speaking countries in the eighteenth century
Goethe (1749-1832)
Faust, Part One, 1775-1808
Schiller (1759-1805)
Wallenstein, 1798-9
VI Pushkin and Lermontov
The Russian Empire in the nineteenth century
Pushkin (1799-1837)
Eugene Onegin, 1831
Lermontov (1814- 41)
A Hero of Our Time, 1840
VII Balzac and Flaubert
France: Restoration and the July Monarchy,
Balzac (1799-18S0)
Le Pere Goriot, 1834-5
Flaubert (1821-80)
Women and adultery in the nineteenth century
Madame Bovary, 1856--7
VIII Baudelaire and Rimbaud
France: Second Republic and Second Empire,
Baudelaire (1821-67)
Les Fleurs du Mal, 1857, 1861, 1868
Rimbaud (1854-91)
Poems, 1870-3
IX Turgenev, Tolst6y, and Dostoevsky
The great age of the Russian novel, 1856-80
Turgenev (1818-83)
Fathers and Children, 1862
Tolst6y (1828-1910)
Anna Karenina, 1875-7
Dostoevsky (1821-81)
The Brothers Karamdzov, 1879-80
X Ibsen, Strindberg, and Hamsun
Scandinavia in the nineteenth Century
Ibsen (1828-1906)
A Dolls House, 1879
Strindberg (1849-1912)
Miss Julie, 1888
Hamsun (1859-1952)
Hunger, 1890
XI Ch6khov and G6rky
Russia at the end of the Old R6gime
Chekhov (1860-1904)
The Cherry Orchard, 1903-4
G6rky (1868-1936)
The Lower Depths, 1902
XII Zola, Fontane, and Proust
France and Germany at the end of the
nineteenth century
Zola (1840-1902)
Germinal, 1885
Fontane (1819-98)
Effi Briest, 1895
Proust (1871-1922)
Swanns Way, 1913
XIII Mann and Kafka
The central powers before 1914
Modernist fiction
Mann (1875-1955)
Death in Venice, 1912
Kafka (1883-1924)
The Trial, 1914, 1925
XIV Pirandello and Brecht
The years of lentre deux guerres
Pirandello (1867-1936)
Six Characters in Search of an Author, 1921
Brecht (1898-1956)
The Threepenny Opera, 1928
Appendix A: Translating Flaubert
Appendix B: Quotations from original texts
and selected translations
Appendix C: The form and pronunciation
of Russian names
Appendix D: The value of money in the
mid- to late-nineteenth century
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