Unit 1 Ads and Advertising
Getting Ready
Inside Classroom
Scene I Get a Mac
Scene 2 Olympic Sponsors Pay Gold
Scene 3 Create a Business Tagline
Beyond Classroom
Scene I A Video Clip from the Television Series-Mad Men
Scene 2 Advertising
Project Design: Design an Advertising Campaign
Further Study
Unit 2 Job and Career
Getting Ready
Inside Classroom
Scene I China's College Grads Seek Work
Scene 2 Settling a problem between dorm-mates
Scene 3 Dream Job
Beyond Classroom
Scene 1 How to Be Happy at Work
Scene 2 A Movie Clip from Up in the Air
Project Design: Career-planning Report
Further Study
Unit 3 Process and Cycle
Getting Ready
Inside Classroom
Scene I Talking about How to Make a Movie
Scene 2 How to Pass the Test When You Haven't Read the Book
Scene 3 Water Cycle
Beyond Classroom
Scene I Goggle Social Search
Scene 2 The Life Cycle of Mosquitoes
Project Design: A Presentation on Cycles in Our Society
Further Study
Unit 4 Entertainment
Unit 5 Family and Generations
Unit 6 Friendship and Romance
Unit 7 Environment
Unit 8 History and Government
Mac and PC agree to put aside their differences because of the Christmas season. Although PCmomentarily slips and states that Mac wastes his time with frivolous pursuits like home moviesand blogs, the two agree to, as Mac says, 'Pull it into hug harbor,' and they wish each other a goodholiday.
The implicit message conveyed in Good Will
Mac is depicted as a person who is 'Nice' and 'cool' as he demonstrates his ability to overethe nasty words of PC, who indicts Mac as a time waster. Mac uses arguably 'cool' phrases suchas 'pull it into hug harbor.' Mac seems to understand what it takes to be hip and realizes fun is notfighting but rather getting along during the holiday season.
PC is depicted as a person who is 'mean' and 'nasty' as he cannot get through the entireholiday ad, meant to be a celebration of good will, without telling Mac that what he does is awaste of time.
Mac: Hello, I am a Mac,
PC: And I am a PC.
Mac: In the spirit of the holiday season, we've decided to put aside our differences.
PC: To stop paring ourselves and just be ourselves.
Mac: Yeah, to stop saying that one is better than the other.
PC: To understand that one does important work while the other wastes his time with frivolouspursuits like home movies and blogs.
Mac: PC, what about putting aside our differences
PC: I'm sorry it just slipped out, a system error.