定 價(jià):78 元
- 作者:上海電機(jī)學(xué)院商學(xué)院,北愛荷華大學(xué)商學(xué)院 編
- 出版時(shí)間:2014/11/1
- ISBN:9787551708296
- 出 版 社:東北大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:F71
- 頁碼:228
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16K
Developing Cultural Savvy for Success in Global Business: Case of China, USA and Russia
Case Study on the Innovation and Upgrade of a Premier Chinese Industrial Firm
Antecedents in the Creation of Subsidiary Absorptive Capacity: The Role of Expatriate Human and Social Capital
Business Model Innovation for the Internationalization of Chinese Wind Power Industry
A Research on the Customer' s Trust and their Cultivation Mechanism in Energy-saving Service——An View from Social Exchange Theory and Transaction Cost Theory
Global Business: The Key Role of Quality Management as a Tool to Reach Long Term International Trade
Higher Education in a Global World
Dynamic Maintenance Policy with Fixed Setup Cost and Finite Capacity
Ontology-based Models for Managing Joint Product-service Solutions
Research on the Relationship between Owner' s Social Capital and Management Type of Community Shared Resources
Quality Cost Allocation in Engineering Management
The Modification of CPAM Model and the Study on the Relationship of the Creativity and the Experimental Value
The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Proactive Personality on Reentry Adjustment for Returned Teachers from University
A Study on Regional Talent Attraction of Industrial Clusters
Dynamic Measurement and Analysis of RMB Exchange Rate Risk Based on SV-t Model
A Research on the Model of Knowledge Work from the Perspective of Objective Ontology
Study on Institutional Drivers of Green Management Model and Heterogeneity of Organizational Practice
A Model on Relationship between Employment and Decent Work and its Practices in China
Hierarchy Model of China's Textile Industry Transfer Innovation
New Trends of China's College & University Graduates Employment in the Post-crisis