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秦嶺勉略構造帶與中國大陸構造 讀者對象:地球科學工作者和研究者、大學生、研究生和滴血愛好者 ![]()
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第一章 秦嶺造山帶與勉略構造帶(1) 第一節(jié) 秦嶺造山帶與勉略構造帶概述(1) 一、秦嶺造山帶及其南部邊界(1) 二、秦嶺—大別造山帶南緣的勉略構造帶(4) 第二節(jié) 秦嶺造山帶的兩條古縫合構造帶(6) 一、勉略古縫合帶宏觀特征(6) 二、秦嶺造山帶板塊構造的兩條縫合帶及其關系(7) 第二章 秦嶺勉略帶構造幾何學與運動學(11) 第一節(jié) 勉略帶現(xiàn)今三維結構構造(11) 一、勉略帶勉略區(qū)段現(xiàn)今結構構造與基本特征(11) 二、巴山巨型逆沖推覆構造(49) 三、桐柏—大別南緣區(qū)域構造特征(61) 四、西秦嶺—東昆侖南緣構造及其交接關系(115) 第二節(jié) 勉略帶古縫合帶的恢復重建(151) 一、勉略帶勉略段(康縣—巴山弧高川地區(qū))的俯沖碰撞構造(151) 二、巴山弧形構造區(qū)段先期俯沖碰撞構造恢復重建(217) 三、勉略帶桐柏—隨州花山段和大別山南緣的俯沖碰撞構造恢復重建(225) 四、勉略帶西秦嶺康縣—南坪段和瑪沁段俯沖碰撞構造(235) 第三節(jié) 區(qū)域地球物理場對比與分析(242) 一、秦嶺—大別造山帶及其西延的區(qū)域地球物理場背景(242) 二、秦嶺—大別造山帶及其西延的地球物理場結構(243) 三、勉略古縫合帶及大陸深俯沖作用的地球物理場深部追蹤(251) 四、西秦嶺及其鄰區(qū)的巖石圈熱結構(261) 第三章 秦嶺勉略帶蛇綠巖與相關火山巖及花崗巖(264) 第一節(jié) 勉略帶勉略段蛇綠巖與相關火山巖(264) 一、勉(縣)—略(陽)蛇綠構造混雜巖帶地質特征(265) 二、勉(縣)—略(陽)蛇綠構造混雜巖帶巖石學特征(266) 三、勉(縣)—略(陽)蛇綠構造混雜巖帶巖石化學特征(267) 四、勉(縣)—略(陽)蛇綠構造混雜巖帶微量元素地球化學特征(272) 五、勉(縣)—略(陽)蛇綠構造混雜巖帶稀土元素地球化學特征(276) 六、勉(縣)—略(陽)蛇綠混雜巖帶黑溝峽火山巖及鞍子山蛇綠巖(279) 七、小結”(281) 第二節(jié) 巴山弧島弧巖漿帶(281) 第三節(jié) 康縣—琵琶寺—南坪蛇綠混雜帶(293) 第四節(jié) 德爾尼蛇綠混雜巖(301) 一、區(qū)域地質基本特征(301) 二、蛇綠巖的地球化學(302) 第五節(jié) 大別山南緣花山蛇綠構造混雜帶(307) 一、花山(周家灣)初始洋型變質玄武巖(307) 二、竹林灣基性火山巖(311) 第六節(jié) 大別山南緣火山巖帶(312) 一、大別南緣蛇綠構造混雜巖地質特征(313) 二、宿松二郎超基性巖地球化學(314) 三、清水河輝長巖—輝石巖—安山巖(318) 四、蘭溪雙峰式火山巖系(321) 五、小結”(322) 第七節(jié) 勉略帶北部花崗巖(322) 一、勉略帶北部花崗巖體分布及巖體地質(322) 二、勉略帶北部花崗巖體的巖石學特征(325) 三、勉略帶北部花崗巖的地球化學(327) 四、勉略帶北部花崗巖的成因及形成構造環(huán)境(337) 第四章 秦嶺勉略帶古大陸邊緣盆地與前陸盆地體系(342) 第一節(jié) 勉略古洋盆兩側大陸邊緣構造沉積作用與大陸邊緣沉積體系(D-T:)(342) 一、勉略帶早期擴張裂谷盆地和初始洋盆與其兩側早期被動陸緣沉積(D-C)(342) 二、勉略帶二疊紀 早、中三疊世兩類不同的大陸邊緣沉枳體系(349) 第二節(jié) 勉略碰撞帶前陸盆地沉積體系(T:-K)(358) 一、勉略帶中晚三疊世海相前陸盆地沉積體系(359) 二、勉略帶侏羅紀至早白堊世陸相前陸盆地沉積體系(367) 第三節(jié) 勉略帶原陸緣和前陸盆地區(qū)域構造沉積古地理恢復(373) 一、勉略帶大陸邊緣盆地構造沉積古地理(374) 二、勉略帶前陸盆地沉積古地理(377) 第五章 勉略構造帶與勉略古縫合帶年代學研究(392) 第一節(jié) 勉略帶同位素年代學與對比分析(392) 一、勉略構造帶鎂鐵質巖塊年齡(392) 二、勉略構造帶含放射蟲硅質巖及與之共存鎂鐵質巖的年齡和同位素地球化學特征(413) 三、勉略構造帶麻粒巖的年齡(417) 四、勉略蛇綠構造混雜巖帶的復雜性和同位素年代學分析(420) 第二節(jié) 關于勉略古洋盆和古縫合帶時代討論(421) 一、勉略縫合帶年代學有關問題討論(421) 二、勉略古洋盆和古縫合帶時代(424) 第六章 勉略復合構造帶和中國大陸構造與動力學(427) 第一節(jié) 勉略構造帶的形成演化(427) 一、勉略古縫合帶(427) 二、勉略縫合構造帶疊加復合構造篩分(438) 三、勉略構造帶的形成演化過程(443) 第二節(jié) 勉略縫合帶與東古特提斯構造(444) 一、勉略帶西延與中國西部大陸構造(444) 二、勉略帶東延與大別隆升及超高壓巖石剝露(447) 三、勉略縫合帶與中國大陸主體拼合和東古特提斯構造(452) 第三節(jié) 勉略構造帶與中國大陸構造動力學(459) 一、中小洋陸板塊構造體制及其動力學(459) 二、大陸陸內構造及其動力學(460) 三、大陸地質、大陸構造與大陸動力學的思考(462) 參考文獻(475) 英文摘要(500) 附圖 中國中央造山系勉略復合斷裂構造帶及鄰區(qū)構造圖(1:1000000) Contents Preface Chapter l The Qinling orogen and the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(1) 1.1 Overview of the Qinling orogen and the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(1) 1.1.1 The Qinling orogen ancl its southern boundary(1) 1.1.2 The Mianlue Tectonic Zone on the southern margin of the Qinling-Dabie orogen(4) 1.2 The Mianlue paleo-suture zone of the Qinling orogen(6) 1.2.1 General characteristics of the Mianlue paleo-suture zone(6) 1.2.2 Two sutures and their interrelationship in the Qinling orogen(7) Chapter 2 Geometry and Kinematics of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(11) 2.1.1 Present structural characteristics of the Mian( xian) -Lue( yang) segment of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(11) 2.1.2 Bashanmega-thrusttectonics(49) 2.1.3 Regional tectonic characteristics in the southern Tongbai-Dabie orogen(61) 2.1.4 Structures on the southern margin of east Kunlun and west Qinling orogens and their tectonic relationship(115) 2.2 Recovery and reconstruction of the Mianlue paleo-suture zone(151) 2.2.1 Suhduction-collision structures of the Mian( xian) -Lue( yang) segment( the Kangxian-Bashan area) ofthe Mianlue Tectonic Zone(151) 2.2.2 Recovery of subduction-collision structures in the Bashan actuate tectonics(217) 2.2.3 Recovery of subduction-collision structures in the Tongbai-Suizhou Huashan segment and southern Dabie Mts of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(225) 2.2.4 Suhduction-collision structures of the Kangxian-Nanping and Maqen segments of the Mianlue Tectonic ZoneinwestQinling(235) 2.3 Comparison and analysis of regional geophysical field(242) 2.3.1 Geophysical background of the Qinling-Dabie orogen and its western extension(242) 2.3.2 Geophysical structure of the Qinling-Dabie orogen and its western extension(243) 2.3.3 Trace of geophysical field for the continental deep subduction and the Mianlue paleo-suture zone(251) 2.3.4 Thermal structure of the west Qinling orogen and adjacent areas(261) Chapter 3.0pluolite and related volcanic rocks and granite of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(264) 3.1.0phiolite and related volcanic rocks of the Mian( xian) -Lue( yang) segment of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(264) 3.1.1 Geological characteristics of ophiolite melange zone of the Mian(xian)-Lue( yang) segment(265) 3.1.2 Lithology of the Mian(xian)-Lue(yang) ophiolite melange zone(266) 3.1.3 Petrochemistry of the Mian(xian)-Lue(yang) ophiolite melange zone(267) 3.1.4 Trace elements geochemistry of the Mian( xian) -Lue( yang) ophiolite melange zone(272) 3.1.5 Rare earth elements geochemistry of the Mian( xian) -Lue( yang) ophiolite melange zone(276) 3.1.6 Heigouxia volcanic rocks and Anzishan ophiolite of the Mian( xian) -Lue( yang) ophiolite melange zone(279) 3.1.7 Summary(281) 3.2 Island arc magmatic zone of the Bashan actuate tectonics(281) 3.3.0phiolite melange zone of the Kangxian-Pipasi-Nanping area(293) 3.4.0phiolite melange of the Dur'ngoi area(301) 3.4.1 Regionalgeology(301) 3.4.2 Geochemistry of ophiolite(302) 3.5.0phiolite melange zone of the Huashan area on the southern margin of the Dabie Mts(307) 3.5.1 Proto-ocean type metabasalt of the Huashan(Zhoujiawan) area(307) 3.5.2 Basic volcanic rocks of the Zhulinwan area(311) 3.6 Volcanic rock belt on the southern margin of the Dabie Mts(312) 3.6.1 Geological characteristics of ophiolite melange on the southern margin of the Dabie Mts(313) 3.6.2 Ultrabasic rocks of the Susong area(314) 3.6.3 Gabbro-pyroxenite-andesite of the Qingshuihe area(318) 3.6.4 Bi-modal volcanic svstem of the Lanxi area(321) 3.6.5 Summarv(322) 3.7 Granites to north of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(322) 3.7.1 Distribution and geology of granitic plutons to north of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(322) 3.7.2 Lithological characteristics of granites to north of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(325) 3.7.3 Geochemistry of granites to north of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(327) and forming setting of granites to north of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(337) Chapter 4 Paleo-continent marginal basin and foreland basin systems of the Mianlue Tectoruc Zone(342) 4.1 Continental marginal tectonics-sedimentation and continental marginal sedimentary system (D-T,)(342) 4.1.1 Early rift basin and proto-oceanic basin and early sedimentary system on both passive margins( D-C)(342) 4.1.2 Two types of continent marginal sedimentary system during Permian and Early-Middle Triassic(349) 4.2 Foreland basinal sedimentary system(T2-KI) of the Mianlue collisional zone(358) 4.2.1 Middle-Late Triassic marine-facies foreland basinal seclimentary system of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone 359 4.2.2 Jurassic-Early Cretaceous continent-facies foreland basin sedimentary system of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(367) 4.3 Recovery of regional tectono-sedimentary paleogeography in the primary continental margin and foreland basin areas of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(373) 4.3.1 Tectono-sedimentary paleogeography in the continent marginal basin of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(374) 4.3.2 Sedimentary paleogeography of foreland basin of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(377) Chapter 5 Geochronology of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone and the paleo-suture zone(392) 5.1 Isotopic geochronology and comparison analysis of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(392) 5.1.1 Age of mafic rocks of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(392) 5.1.2 Age data and isotope geochemistry of radiolarian chert and coexisting mafic rocks of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(413) 5.1.3 Age of granulite of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(417) 5.1.4 Complexity of Mianlue ophiolite melange zone and their age analysis(420) 5.2 Discussion of timing of the Mianlue paleoocean basin and paleo-suture zone(421) 5.2.1 Geochronological discussion of the Mianlue paleo-suture zone(421) 5.2.2 Timing of the Mianlue paleoocean basin and Mianlue paleo-suture zone(424) Chapter 6 Mianlue composite tectoruc zone and continental structure and dynamics of Cluna(427) 6.1 Formation and evolution of Mianlue paleo-suture zone(427) 6.1.1 Mianluepaleo-suturezone(427) 6.1.2 Identification of superposition structures of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(438) 6.1.3 Formation and evolution processes of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone(443) 6.2 Mianlue paleo-suture zone and East Paleotethyan tectonics(444) 6.2.1 Western extension of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone and continental tectonics of west China(444) 6.2.2 Eastern extension of the Mianlue Tectonic Zone and uplifting of the Dabie Mts and exhumation of UHP rocks(447) 6.2.3 Mianlue suture, formation of unified China continent and East Paleotethyan tectonics(452) 6.3 Mianlue Tectonic Zone and continental tectonics and dynamics of China(459) 6.3.1 Plate tectonics regime of medium-small sized oceanic and continental plates and dynamics(459) 6.3.2 Intracontinental tectonics and dynamics(460) 6.3.3 Thought on continental geology, tectonics and dynamics(462) References(475) English abstract(500) Attached Map: Tectonic Map of the Mianlue Composite Tectonic Zone and Adjacent Area (1 : 1 000 000)