Chapter 1Information Technologyand the Third Industrial Revolution 1
Introduction 1
Section AInformation Technology 2
1.Cloud Computing 2
2.Modern InformationTechnology Departments 4
3.Hardware 5
4.Software 6
5.Notes 7
6.Excrciscs 8
Section BThe Third Industrial Revolution 8
1.FivePillars 9
2.31) Printing in the Third Industrial Revolution 11
3.Notes 13
4.Exercise 13
Section CReview,Reading,Computer Terms and Exercise 13
1.Review 13
2.Supplementary Reading 15
3.Computer Terms 16
4.Exorcise 23
Chapter 2System Unit 25
Introduction 25
Section ASystem Unit,Electronic Data and Instructions 25
1.System Unit 25
2.Electronic Data andInstructions 28
3.Notes 30
4.Exorcise 33
Section BBuses,Ports,Slots,and Power Supplies 35
1.Buses 35
2.Ports 35
3.Expansion Slots 37
4.Power Supplies 39
5.Notes 40
6.Excrciscs 41
Section C Review and Translation 42
1.Review 42
2.Translation 44
Chapter 3Data Structures 47
Introduction 47
Section A Fundamentals and Implementation 48
1.Data Structure Fundamentals 48
2.Data Structures Implementation 53
3.Notes 64
4.Excrciscs 65
Section B Constructed Data Structures 67
1.Customized DataTypcs 67
2.Classes and Objccts 71
3.Notes 74
4.Excrciscs 74
Section C Review and Grammar 76
1.Review 76
2.Grammar 77
Chapter 4 Computer Programming and Its Languages 81
Introduction 81
Section A Computer Programming 81
1.Introduction 81
2.Different Types of Computer Programming 82
3.Oljcct-Oricntcd Programming 83
4.Programming Style 85
5.Notes 90
6.Excrciscs 92
Section B Computer Programming Languages 94
1.History of Programming Language 94
2.Low-lcvcl Programming Language 96
3.High-Level Programming Language 99
4.Notes 103
5.Excrciscs 104
Section C Self-evaluation and Review 107
1.Sclf-cvaluation 107
2.Review 109
Chapter 5 Operating Systems 113
Introduction 113
Section A Description of Operating Systems 113
1.General Knowledge of Operating Systems 113
2.Thc History of Operating Systems 114
3.Note 116
4.Excrcisc 117
Section B Components of an Operating System 121
1.八Software Survey 121
2.Thc Shell of an Operating System 122
3.Thc Kernel of an Operating System 124
4.Notes 128
5.Excrciscs 128
Section C Reading and Exercise 133
1.Supplementary Reading 133
2.Excrcisc 135
Chapter 6 Application Software—Database and Multimedia 137
Introduction 137
Section A Database 137
1.AboutDatabase and DBMS 138
2.Features 139
3.Applications of Databases 141
4.Database Development Platforms 142
5.Notes 145
6.Excrcisc 147
Section B Multimedia 149
1.Introduction 149
2.Thc Elements of Multimedia 150
3.Intcractivc Multimedia Applications 156
4.Notes 157
5.LcarningTask 158
Section C Review,Reading and Grammar 159
1.Review 159
2.Supplementary Reading 164
3.Grammar 165
Chapter 7 Internet 167
Introduction 167
Section A Internet Communication 168
1.Thc History of thc Internet 168
2.Web Basics 169
3.Acccssing thc Internet 172
4.Notes 173
5.Excrcisc 175
Section B Internet Applications 177
1.Communication 177
2.Web Scarch Engine 179
3.Electronic Commcrcc 1 80
4.DataTransfcr 181
5.Globalization and thc 21st Century 182
6.Notes 183
7.Excrciscs 184
Section C Reading,Grammarand self-evaluation 187
1.Supplementary Reading 187
2.Grammar 189
3.Sclf-cvaluation 190
Chapter 8Computer Network 193
Introduction 193
Section ANetwork Software 1 94
1.Example Networks 194
2.Protocol Hierarchies 197
3.Types of Networks 198
4.Notes 201
5.Excrciscs 202
Section BNetwork Hardware 203
1.Guide 203
2.Physical Communication Channel 204
3.Basic Hardware Components 206
4.Notes 210
5.Excrcisc 210
Section CReview and Abstracting 213
1.Review 213
2.Writing an Abstract 214
References 221
AppendixCommon Vocabulary n English for Computer Specialty 223