unit 1 how does photosynthesis work?
reading one photosynthesis
reading two us faces worst drought in 56 years
unit 2 can we live without soil?
reading one soil
reading two ways to protect water quality
unit 3 what is biological control?
reading one biological control
reading two plant fungicides might harm honeybees
unit 4 how much do you know about plant diseases?
reading one plant diseases
reading two is watering important to plant?
unit5 how to choose'the right colors for your flower arrangements?
reading one choosing the right colors for your arrangements
reading two flower power: some dazzling floral arrangements
unit 6 do you know the history of flowers?
reading one the history of lavender
reading two a flower in winter: the story of the poinsettia
unit 7 may vegetables keep brains young?
reading one vegetables may keep brains young
reading two irrigation pioneer wins world food prize
unit 8 is climate an important factor in fruit growing?
reading one climate and fruit growing
reading two growing blueberries
answers and scripts